Since its foundation, among its main objectives, A.I.C.E. Consulting has had the achievement of a profound specialization in the design and structural control of bridges and viaducts. The multi-year experience gained in this field has made it possible to expand the range of services to maritime, railway and airport works and related products. The specialized services offered by our Company currently include:
- Inspection and drafting of the Survey Plan;
- Census and cataloging with innovative techniques;
- Geometric and structural survey;
- Diagnostics and non-destructive tests (NDT);
- Analysis of the instability and degradation;
- Verification of static and seismic vulnerability;
- Monitoring and control, during construction and during operation;
- Remote management and processing of acquired data;
- Design for renovation, reinforcement and consolidation;
- Works management and accounting;
- Static and administrative final testing;
- Technical assistance for maintenance.
The Company owns the necessary human resources and instrumental resources for the execution of the aforesaid services, through the formation of Working Groups made up of highly specialized experts and common professional experiences over the years.